Sunday, February 13, 2011

Does anyone dance anymore?

This weekend I was lucky enough to have off from work. It was a crazy week at work...which my paycheck will love but my body is not liking so much. Besides cleaning and spending time with the boys, I have spent some time with my photos. I was looking at our engagement pictures from last year and saw the pic above of Ty and I dancing. I love's sweet.
So I got to thinking.....does anyone dance anymore??? Ty and I dance around the house, or in the kitchen, every once in awhile. Most of the time there is no music... just a moment where we sway. I love dancing around and just feeling connected with the love of my life. Most of the time our dancing stays in the car. We like to drive around, turn up some great tunes, and have a mini "dance party."
Simple things in life always make me smile!

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