Sunday, July 24, 2011

July update

I cant believe an entire month can go by and I havent been on this blog....well actually I can. Life is just going by so fast. Here is an update, list version, of whats going on in life with our little family.

-Doctor's appointments have gone well! Ethan continues to have the best sounding heart I have ever heard and I finally gained 4 pounds. Not bad!!
- I have found out that Ethan is an active little man!!! He moves all the time and its the best/weirdest feeling I have ever had. I know he is just growing and trying to stretch his body out. We often play a game I like to call " I poke, you poke back." We enjoy it.
-I have started reading Ethan Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and he just starts moving. He loves books already :) He also practices his alphabet, counting in English/Spanish/and French, days of the week, and months of the year. People may think Im crazy for doing it but I believe it can help him. Cant do any harm getting him ready for a scholarship!!!
- Work still continues to keep both Ty and I busy. For me, its getting harder and harder to be on my feet for 9 hours a day. I have been good about taking all my break and resting, but my body is just aching. Having a small torso hasnt helped me with a growing belly!!! Thank God I have a wonderful husband who rubs my feet :)
-Ethan's room is coming along. I am trying my best to get what I can done early before I really cant move. I am not sure if I have mentioned before but we have decided on a nautical theme for our little guy. If you are super curious we are using the bedding from Pottery Barn Kids called Harper- navy and white with a whale sheet from the jackson collection. I have also gotten a lighthouse for his shelves, some anchor book ends that im going to paint, and and anchor with rope for his wall. I have had so much fun on my days off shopping at Home Goods and other places looking for things to add here and there. The crib just looks so lonely. Just like any other mother, I want him to have the best room I can give him!
-Lately Ty and I have been eating at home A LOT more then we ever have. We have had to be creative many nights but its still been nice to work together in the kitchen. Parker loves it... he is right under our feet just waiting for something to fall right under his nose. We have had some great meals together and I am just blessed to have a man who LOVES to cook and even does the dishes. Jealous ladies???
- I have read a lot about how nesting starts to take place when the baby gets closer to coming. I honestly feel like I had a little nesting bug bite me this weekend. Yesterday, all i wanted to do was get cleaning done. I cleaned bathrooms, guest bedroom downstairs, kitchen, and a closet. What in the world??? For some reason, I just needed this done. It had to be ifs, ands, or buts. Today, not so much. LOL I spent it at the pool and reading a book.

I believe thats all the updating I have. Not too much goes on around here but growing a baby and watching my belly move. Exciting for us, not so much the general public. I have an appointment coming up...the exciting glucose testing I have just been waiting for!! Pray peeps Pray