Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The last month...

WOW! I am the worst blogger ever. I really thought I would be writing more often but life has been a whirlwind these past couple of weeks. For the last six weekends we have either had company here or been somewhere. CRAZY. After this next weekend it should all slow down.
A few weeks ago Ty and I made a trip up to Ohio for a wedding. It was perfect that grandma's birthday was the same weekend so we were able to be there for the celebration. We had a cookout with family and friends and it was a success!! Mom made her homemade baked macaroni and cheese so I was super happy. People just enjoyed company, desserts, and a little corn hole. It was so great to be home to catch up with everyone, including the family dog Titus. Its amazing how calm he is compared to Parker!! HA HA
Before we went on the trip, Ty and got a new car. His car was dying and going to cost more to fix it then it was worth, so it was time to say goodbye. After much thought, including future lil' Kincaids, we went with a bigger vehicle. We have been truly blessed with our new car and unfortunately they only pics I have of it are from my phone and are on Facebook. You can just resort to those!
In other news.... Parker is the same. He has actually learned how to climb up all the stairs and is getting quite fast at it. He doesn't go down yet and I am perfectly ok with that. For such a little body, he continues to believe he is a mastiff. We love him so we usually let him get with his attitude.

Enjoy some pictures and I promise to get better at this.