Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring is coming!

The weather is starting to get better and I love it. Yesterday it was almost 70 and the sun has been shining for days. I hope it is here to stay. I thought I would post some pics that I have taken that remind me of spring.... Happy Sunny Days to all!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Does anyone dance anymore?

This weekend I was lucky enough to have off from work. It was a crazy week at work...which my paycheck will love but my body is not liking so much. Besides cleaning and spending time with the boys, I have spent some time with my photos. I was looking at our engagement pictures from last year and saw the pic above of Ty and I dancing. I love's sweet.
So I got to thinking.....does anyone dance anymore??? Ty and I dance around the house, or in the kitchen, every once in awhile. Most of the time there is no music... just a moment where we sway. I love dancing around and just feeling connected with the love of my life. Most of the time our dancing stays in the car. We like to drive around, turn up some great tunes, and have a mini "dance party."
Simple things in life always make me smile!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Not a whole lot going on!

Just like I have mentioned before..well always....I am awful at blogging. One day I can get a hang of it. To those that I read all the time..... Im jealous of you keeping up with it.

Holiday time came and boy were we busy here. I ended up getting the flu the week of Thanksgiving and that was no fun at all. My family came to visit and spend time with us in our home, but there I was in the bed for most of the time. It was good to see them though and with the flu you just cant help but feel like poo. Due to me not feeling well at all.... I did not take any pictures. I do have one of the dining room table all set for the big day. (It actually stays set all the time...we don't eat in there really).

Next came Christmas. I was so excited that it was here because that meant life at work would start to slow down. People in the mall can be crazies and it just wears me out. Ty and I had a quiet Christmas with just us and Parker and it was nice. It snowed a ton here in Atlanta so it was great to have a white Christmas. It was sooooo nice to stay in pjs all day and just watch movies. Parker enjoyed his stocking and his new presents.

Now, the new year has arrived and we are just doing the same thing. I am working a ton right now Ty is keeping busy with end of the year stuff for work. We have been doing some things around the house, including painting for the first time, and I will keep that for a separate post to make me get back on! We have a couple plans for some small trips this year and really just looking forward to what this year has to offer.